Wednesday, October 3, 2007

<---- )( ---->

That's me in the middle. Today I practiced feeling torn, and being okay with it. That is, just feeling what it felt like to not know and be unsure about the right answer. It is much more natural to fret and fret about a situation, because at least I feel like I'm DOING something. But it is, admittedly, a lot easier to simply do nothing, at least about my emotions, for the moment. Instead, I imagined my (hypothetical) insides: two swaths of cloth-ish something twisted and twisted around a pole, their ends pulled out in opposite directions, constricting my thought processes and stomach, and causing a lot of pain. So, I just stopped looking for the next thought, instead directing my gaze inward, literally imagined my "insides," noticed that I was unsure of and in conflict with myself, and said "that's ok." Time will pass and the answers will present themselves as they are meant to do. MUCH less stressful.

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