Thursday, July 31, 2008

The elements

Afternoons on the davenport (featuring chicken pox); big porch swing pushes; views of white caps on the river; the arbor; white pickets; wild flowers; judging the weather from the flag's direction; hard floors; comic books; bathroom adventures; tip-toe tours of the museum room; waiting for ghosts; watching hallway candles; stove run on wood; warm kitchen; full bar; stiff fish hanging from the heights; whisky jokes all around; endless rounds of cribbage, both friendly and vengeful; sunbathing in the adirondacks; fishing for all manner of fishes, in all manner of environments, using all manner of bait; listening to whispers through paper-thin walls; hugging the chimney.

Monday, July 21, 2008

a yogic experience

Dupont Circle. Literally, yoga in the circle. Metaphor: Finding a calm oasis while traffic circles around.

A book-toting, junior preacher.
A Mormon choir.
An angry pro-Israel soldier.

Warrior poses on a fleet of magic carpets charge silently through the chaos.