Sunday, July 11, 2010

god for breakfast

ESTEBAN: pero tu no vas para la iglesia ke haces en casa?

ME: recuperando

me dio una migraña dura en esta semana

por eso que no salgo de la casa

pero aquí tengo a dios a mi lado compartiendo el desayuno

preparé huevos y a dios le gusta sus huevos revueltos

ESTEBAN: ajajajajajajajaa

paper towels

in my days i have sought names, categories, personages,
habits, hobbies the very least tendencies to call
upon when defining myself to myself,
or explaining myself to others.

i believe in _____. i'm an ____ -ist.
i'm an early riser.
a vegetarian.
i only drink red wine, for the antioxidants.
i'm really a very independent person.
i like to take photographs.
i woke up at 2 today. pm.
a city girl, at heart.
god is questionable.
i'm quite eco-conscious.
i will cross town for a good chicken empanada with olives.
i don't do that.
i spoke with my mother 7 times this week.
those are paint brushes in my closet.
i have a penchant for paper towels and fast cars.
a chardonnay with lunch sounds lovely, thank you.
fresh air does my body good.
everything is questionable but god.
i do this.
i meditate.
i can't sit still.
i love to cook from scratch, you should see me in the kitchen, and yes
i'll take that pad thai to go.

turns out i love experience, turns out my vocation of choice is Professional

the only consistent labels, trends, statistics i can muster
have to do with change and a love of burnt toast
i love the many stretches that go into a lazy morning

Thursday, July 8, 2010

or so i was told

to the one i find when i rip all the layers, to the one who gave breathing a new purpose and taste, to the one who modified my perspective i say..... .... .... .... ..... .... Hi

when god takes a nap, i steal a kiss. your salty tear. seals our lips, seals our bliss, god wakes up, smiles and says "i'm not surprised" turns his cheek and goes back to sleep

Thursday, July 1, 2010

bed body

i can stand
on my own two feet
but sleeping is
a different story

took me years to find the peace
of mind and ease
of self to rest on my back,
nap with my arms above my head,

but to deep sleep i must
return to my stomach, limbs coiled
beneath my body, torso a bit
contorted, neck arched to pillow,
blood clotted in my joints,
safely, peacefully distorted.