Thursday, January 10, 2008

tip, tap, step

I'm learning, slowly moving forward, slowly filling up with love, and patience, and distance from the good and the bad, and faith in the events of the universe, and faith in myself and my ability to receive and manipulate whatever may come my way. The best part is the anger; that is, the anger leaving my body, receding from my mind, dripping out of my pores and dissipating. I learn a bit each day, from each action and interaction, and I'm grateful for each moment I can spend aware of the progress I make. I am moving forward, definitively and with intention, and I'm thrilled about it. I live to learn, and I learn so that I may live better, easier, happier. I control my life, and I'm ready for what lies ahead (mostly. A little help is much appreciated along the way).

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